Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 11/23/2020 (v0.2)


A more comprehensive privacy policy will come eventually, but for now this is what you probably want to know.

Table of Contents

Who do you think you are?

I am Winston R. Milling, this is my personal website and blog. I have more information on this subject on my about page.

What are you collecting about me?

How long do you keep those logs?

I currently keep raw nginx logs for thirty (30) days. This will be in effect until I figure out what I would like to keep for historical trends (anonymized) and how I am going to store/visualize them.

What about your sharing buttons?

Many websites use sharing buttons which load in from their respective services (example: Facebook providing their share button) which enable those services to track you. I have opted not to allow that and have instead used a simple implementation from As I implement the html/css (no javascript) directly, there is no third-party tracking that can occur from just loading a page on my site.

What else should I know?

This policy can change at any time. When it does I will post a new version here and have the historical versions linked somewhere below with their effective dates.

I have questions…

Great! Jump on over to my contact page and shoot me a note via one of the avenues listed there.

Version History