A Replatform and Rename

I neglect my personal websites sometimes, but I don’t think that is a problem unique to myself. If this visit is your first time back here in a while, you may have come from WRMilling.com, W4C.BE, or WinstonMilling.dev (all of which now redirect to different portions of this site). Running specific domains for differing purposes and audiences is not a bad thing, but I don’t think my limited online presence necessitates it. Therefore, my previous resume site, blog, and professional landing page are now all one in Winston.Milli.ng.

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Off to New York City!

In the coming week I will be leaving the Greater Atlanta Metro area for the confines of a one bedroom apartment in the middle of Manhattan. This is a voluntary move for an opportunity offered to me through my work for The Home Depot. I will be pairing with a company during my time in NYC to build my skill-set on the Extreme Programming front. The current plan places me up north for around a 22 week stint and I am extremely excited to be going.

The real fun starts early next week when Haley, Maggie (the dog), and I grab a rental car and hit the road for the 14 hour drive. We will be making it a two day trek up the east coast, arriving in New York in the early afternoon. It was absolute hell trying to find a hotel which worked with the internal reservation system and would accept pets without a $100-$250 non-refundable pet fee. This could have all been avoided if any airline would accept Boston Terriers in the cabin, but apparently “snub” nosed dogs are no longer allowed. Oh well, it will make for a great adventure getting up there.

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Brand New Site

Update (2019): This post was kept mostly because I didn’t want to delete any posts, but the site has since moved to Winston.Milli.ng so this is less relevant now.

Hello and welcome to my new site, W4C dot BE (blog title style shamelessly stolen from WIL WHEATON dot NET). This site has been created with the idea that it will harbor my thoughts, ramblings, projects, and maybe even my music. It was created using the Hexo static blog generator and is therefore the first project to be mentioned here as I created the theme mostly from scratch for this site

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Disclaimer: Any and all opinions presented here are my own and not representative of my employer(s); past, present, and future.